Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


After the wine is finished and the bread reduced to crumbs,
There is The Morning.

After garden prayers are invoked and betrayals done
There is The Morning.

After the denials are made and the rooster crows,
There is The Morning.

After lies are spoken and verdicts rendered
There is The Morning.

After the mockery and taunting and the thorns of contempt
There is The Morning.

After the burden of a heavy cross and the via Delarosa
There is The Morning.

After the thud of nails and the instant pain of dying
There is The Morning.

After all bets are off and the scorching heat
There is The Morning.

After a rebel’s curse and a God-forsaken scream
There is The Morning.

After last words are spoken and one last breath
There is The Morning.

After burial shrouds and cold, lonely, dank tombs
There is The Morning.

After when it should all have been over and done with,
After the worldly powers were appeased,
After the glory winked out,
After the crowds scattered and the followers fled,
So many “afters”.
After… After… After…

But then comes The Morning.
Alleluia! There is The Morning! The best of all mornings since Creation itself. Alleluia!
And after THAT, comes the brightness of a New Day.


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