Monday, February 25
Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem - Matthew 21: 1 – 12
As a child I once rode a donkey at
the Belleville Fair. It was nothing remarkable. Mind you I was going round in
circles, being led by the donkey’s handler. Donkeys are reputably supposed to
be stubborn but mine was pretty docile and obedient. If anything he seemed kind
of bored; as if he could care less who was riding. I think he had two speeds,
slow and stop.
I wonder what would be the modern
equivalent of a donkey if Jesus rode into town today. What vehicle would be
humble enough to carry our Lord? A bicycle, perhaps. At least, a bike would be environmentally
friendly. Whatever he might choose, it would still underscore his humility,
meekness and vulnerability.
That seemed to be the point in
Jesus’ choice of a donkey, a lowly beast of burden. Kings don’t ride donkeys. In
those days they rode big, feisty, noble Arabian stallions, the best out of the royal
stables. What’s the point of bring a king if one can’t show off?
With his feet dragging on the ground, a man just
can’t look very kingly atop a donkey. We might expect a complaining hee-haw at
any time. What if the donkey had stopped in the middle of the road, refusing to
budge another inch?
Jesus is not much for stereo-typical
appearances. This “king” is not your typical champion by any means. He eschews
grandeur; forfeits kingly accruements, acts more like a servant, mingles with
the unwashed and the local riff raff and ends up with a crown of thorns for his
efforts. In fact, if Jesus had ridden a war-horse, he would have been perceived
as no different than the Roman officers and soldiers who rode around the city
flaunting their superiority and advantages.
So Jesus rides into town on a
borrowed donkey.
“Look, your king is coming to you,
humble, and mounted on a donkey…” (21:5) Matthew is quoting the prophet
How much trouble can one man on a
donkey really cause?
It’s almost laughable.
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