Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Jesus said, “How can I describe the Kingdom of God? What story should I use to illustrate it? It is like a mustard seed planted in the ground. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of all garden plants; it grows long branches, and birds can make nests in its shade.” (Mark 4: 30 -32, New Living Translation)

                The pipe organ at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church swelled into the opening chords of that great celebratory hymn by St. Francis of Assisi , All Creatures of Our God and King, praising God for all of his good and magnificent Creation. I settled in my big, blue recliner to watch the service.

                Just outside our front window sits our bird feeder. Sunday was a beautiful, bright sunny day and the activity at the feeder was especially busy. It all seemed to echo the hymn’s praise about the goodness of God’s Creation.

                There were chickadees, juncos and sparrows. Even a cardinal showed up to feed. (No squirrels that morning – God is good!) As the service continued, I also watched the birds. Grateful for the variety. Grateful for the way they mostly get along and let everyone have a turn at the feeder. Oh, the sparrows can get a little feisty with each other (probably Baptist sparrows) but not with any of the other birds. There is plenty enough in the feeder for each and every bird. I have also had nuthatches. The scenario fitted the hymn and the hymn fitted the scenario – “Let all things their Creator bless and worship Him in humbleness. O praise Him.”

                But it also brought to mind the Parable of the Mustard Seed that Jesus told. A small, inconsequential, ordinary seed is planted into the ground. Hardly a momentous event. Yet this tiny seed sprouts and is nurtured to grow unhindered, and become this enormous bush, so big that it can harbour and protect all the birds which seek its shelter. The Message Bible says eagles can nest there, but I rather think that what is meant is that any and every kind of bird can find a safe home in the bush’s great branches. The Welcome Nest is out!

                Such is the Kingdom of God, Jesus said.

                Small acts of love, compassion, generosity grow into the many branches of God’s good and gracious Creation. Within God’s Kingdom there is enough room for everyone, for each and every kind of son of Adam and daughter of Eve. Here within God’s nesting protection is abundant Love for each and every human being, regardless of our genetic codes and DNA makeup. Here within God’s copious Grace, all of us are fed and protected from the worst that the world can throw at us, even the storms which shake and rattle the “bush,” at times.

                It is up to us to get along with other, to accept the differences, to make room for the other, to realize that there is room enough for all, that everyone is welcome at the Kingdom’s “feeder.”

                O.K., I’ll admit -   even squirrels are included or whatever their human equivalent.

                Even you and me.

                And all ye folk of tender heart, Forgiving others take your part, O Sing ye! Alleluia! Ye who long pain and sorrow bear, Praise God and on Him cast your care. O praise Him. O Praise Him. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

                Amen indeed!


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