Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

“We went through fire and flood, but you brought us to a place of great abundance…” (Psalm 66:12, New Living translation)

                I have been watching the horrendous stories and film about the uncontrollable wildfires which are raging in California. The loss of thousands and thousands of acres of forest, along with wildlife, property and even whole cities is staggering. The loss of so much of human life is sad and fearsome. All told, it becomes overwhelming to take in or imagine. This must be hell for those who are trying to live through it.

                It is no wonder that the imagery of a Holy Fire became the frequently used, biblical image of God’s judgment, discipline, righteous anger and the ultimate penalty for God’s enemies. “Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence.”  (Nahum 1:6)  Even our dear, loving, compassionate  Jesus occasionally refers to the fiery hell of Gehenna, a smouldering garbage heap outside Jerusalem as the place suitable for the very worst of us.  “The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.” (Matthew 7:13)

                Not a very pleasant thought, is it? Small wonder that many a Christian wants to avoid the topic altogether and instead nestle safe and sound in the loving arms of a much kinder and gentler God. I have heard no one, not even among the most conservative, right-wing Christian politico, claiming that these wild fires are an act of God.  Well, maybe the insurance companies will; they must be cringing at the cost of this devastation.

                I should point out that neither am I blaming God for these fires. On a piece on PBS last night there are several reasons why these fires have become so large and consuming – climate change, people who are now living in these forests, human carelessness, poor forest management, dry conditions, and the frequents winds that come from all directions. God wasn’t mentioned.

                But maybe there is a solid, contemporary definition of Hell in this stark picture.  People are consumed by changes in their lives which they can’t or won’t control.  We choose to live in the wrong places, putting ourselves in harm’s way. We become careless and thoughtless about our words, actions and behaviour. We manage our lives and our relationships poorly and inconsistently.  The spiritual side of our living becomes arid by our inattention and neglect. We are blown in all sorts of directions by the winds of secularism, consumerism, politics, and social media. It is Job who said that sin (adultery specifically in this case) is “a fire that burns all the way to hell. It would wipe out everything I own.” (Job 31: 12, NLT)

                Once upon time, fiery, blistering preachers were known for preaching “fire and brimstone” sermons, designed to scare you into heaven, I suppose – scaring the hell right of you, literally. There are probably a few who still try.  It has never been my style, but I recognize and believe that Hell is very real - a serious, troubling, nasty, evil effect of living without God in my life.

                Jesus said, “For everyone will be tested with fire.” (Mark 9:49) We face our hells in life and death and pray that the fires which are burning up our lives will, with God’s help and Christ’s Love, (as noted in our text at the top, above) lead to our refining; coming out of these terrible moments, occasions, events, mistakes, sins so that we become better, more whole, redeemed and saved persons.  We become as refined gold and silver. “But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value.” (1 Corinthians 3: 12 – 13, NLT)

Although I also like how the Message interprets this verse, “Take particular care in picking out your building materials. Eventually there is going to be an inspection. If you use cheap or inferior materials, you'll be found out. The inspection will be thorough and rigorous. You won't get by with a thing.”

I don’t about you but I could use a really good, reliable, spiritual fire extinguisher.


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