Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

“But he said, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!’" (Luke 11:28 NIV)

                Just maybe, you are having a Red Letter Day! I hope so.

                The term “Red Letter” originated in Classical Roman times when important dates and occasions were indicated in red on the Roman calendar. To make a long story short the early Christian Church also adopted this habit to denote major festivals and dates within the Christian liturgical year. Red is also a symbolic colour for the Holy Spirit.

                Some translations of the Bible will render Jesus’ words in the Gospels in red. I presume this would indicate the important, weighty, spiritual authority that his words carry for believers. Jesus is speaking. Pay attention – this is significant.  His words make a difference if we take them  seriously enough.

                So, I was intrigued this week to read an article about “red letter evangelicals”. These are evangelic Christians who are opposed to President Trump unlike their conservative evangelical brethren who, despite the questionable ethics of Donald Trump, support him because he ascribes to their very conservative, political agenda. The red letter Christians have taken their name from the words of Jesus highlighted in red print. In other words, they are challenging Trump and his right wing Christian supporters by insisting that Jesus sets the agenda and the course of decent, just and compassionate kingdom values. Jesus’ words, lifted off the page in bright red, accentuate the essential direction of life in its many forms.

                Mind you, governments and many ardent, dogmatic religious folk  didn’t get Jesus words in Jesus’ own time, so I am not holding my breath for this to change any time soon in our current culture and times.

                The red letter Christians did get themselves banned off the campus of Liberty University. This is the Christian University begun by Jerry Falwell, once the strident and ardent spokesperson for the highly successful Christian right. Good on them! I don’t know their whole political agenda  but talk about red letter days.

                My point is that Jesus words are often tough, challenging, life-altering and even a little risky when taken seriously. Never mind the politics for a moment but Jesus’ words can be counterintuitive, counter-cultural, counter-worldly, and even counter-religious or counter political.

                The Beatitudes alone must make the world laugh at such foolishness. “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.”  (Matthew 5: 5) What nonsense! We live in an age of bullies, toughies, threats, aggression, violence, harassment. This can be a very tough world for the meek.

                But Jesus’ words pit us against any system of oppression, violence, racism, hatred, injustice, un-neighbourliness, or a world without love, grace, mercy, peace, joy, sharing, forgiveness, and good old fashion, down-to-earth “brotherhood” (which must, of course, include women).

                Jesus’ words are radical: "Here's another old saying that deserves a second look: 'Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.' Is that going to get us anywhere? Here's what I propose: 'Don't hit back at all.' If someone strikes you, stand there and take it. If someone drags you into court and sues for the shirt off your back, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it.  And if someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously.” (Matthew 5: 38 – 42, The Message Bible)

                This is what Jesus himself practiced making him the Word made flesh. He is uncompromising in his trust in you and me to follow him and put these words into a living reality of our own making.

                It would be a red letter day indeed if we all made a more holistic effort to embody the words of Jesus in our speech, actions and lives.


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