Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 

“Like an eagle that rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so God spread his wings to take them up and carried them safely on his pinions.” (Deuteronomy 32:11)

                A few years back, during one of our summer stays in Nova Scotia, we watched a family of bald eagles who were living on our shores on the Bay of Fundy. By the time we were there the young eaglets were on the wing, but they still demanded much of their parents’ attention, especially at feeding time.

They were being taught to fish for themselves, although the young eaglets much preferred waiting for mom or dad to catch a fish and feed them while they impatiently waited on the rocks. The little eagles could complain long and loud if supper wasn’t “on the table” as soon as possible. In turn mom or dad eagle would scold and admonish their offspring, imploring them to get off their feathery backsides and fend for themselves. It all made for some lively and loud dinnertime “discussions” – sort of like a Soble family dinner.

The beautiful, poetic imagery from the Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32: 1 -43) captures the celebration of God’s personal presence, intervention and compassion for this wandering band of nomads, running for their lives from the despotic power of Pharaoh, struggling through vast untamed wildernesses, facing spiritual challenges, failures, fears and enemies. Small wonder that some wanted to go back to Egypt despite the hard, oppressive certainty of slavery if they did so.

Like our young eagles, the people often complained about their situation. They were provided free food (manna) and then complained that it was too boring, eating the same thing over and again. They were provided with water and complained about that. They fashioned other (useless) gods when God didn’t act swiftly or soon enough to supply them what they wanted. They stumbled and bumbled their way through the desert, trying God’s patience and resolve, not to mention God’s Love. This Song of Moses expresses both extremes of God’s feelings toward his children, expressing both his loving mercy and his sacred frustration.

But any parent is going to get God’s reaction instantly. One minute you are in awe and wonder at this child who is yours and the next moment you are ready to disown them for their stupidity and childish mistakes.  One minute you as proud as can be and then before you know it you are left shaking your head. One minute you are certain that you have equipped him or her for the life journey ahead and then the next moment you are not sure if he or she should ever leave the house on their own. One minute you are eager for their independence and then the next moment you want to build a bubble around them.

But through thick and thin, loving, caring, forgiving, patient parents soar with their young through every skinned knee, broken heart, successful accomplishment, school exams, job interviews, and the life choices they make.  It is never easy, seldom simple, occasionally perplexing, but a shared experience that brings joy and satisfaction.

“God found them out in the wilderness, in an empty, windswept wasteland. He threw his arms around him, lavished attention on them, guarding them as the apple of his eye.” (Deuteronomy 32:10, The Message Bible)

Hang in there, moms and dads! You aren’t alone in the parenting business!



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